Activity around Venture Capital investment in innovation and startups is on the rise

"Se pone en marcha en 2023 la nueva Ley de Startups en España para el apoyo específico al ecosistema emprendedor."

"La startup PLD Space de Elche (Alicante) lanza con éxito el primer vuelo experimental de su cohete Miura1 en Octubre 2023."

"Más de 1.300 proyectos innovadores han pasado en la última década por Lanzadera, la incubadora y aceleradora de startups de Juan Roig en Valencia."

"El ecosistema español de startups se consolida y gana en madurez en 2023.", South Summit (Mapa del Emprendimiento 2023)

Business angels are private investors focused on seed-stage ventures


Investing private capital in business projects and startups, in exchange of minority equity stake in the project

Added value

On top of the invested capital, they normally support the founding team leading the project with their own professional skill set and experience, with goal to contribute to project success

Maturity stage of project

Normally focused on early maturity stages of the project (3F, Pre-Seed and Seed), focused on incubation, validation and initial commercial acceleration of the project.

ELRIM is a team of business angels investing in high-potential projects and startups

We manage our own investment vehicle to act together as a team. Sometimes we also coordinate with other investors in our network, to co-invest in the specific projects.

Our activity covers from idea generation to its commercialization, supporting business development and during acceleration

Incubation and Validation


Business Concept Design

Generate business ideas, analyzing customer needs and gathering market data.

Shape Value Proposition and Business Model around the idea.

Formulate strategy and action plan.

Business Concept

Test, learn and further optimize value proposition and planned product/solution.

Build prototype of the product/ solution with basic functionalities (MVP, Minimum Viable Product)

Commercial launch

Kick-off business activity with group of first customers.

Leverage valuable customer feedback to fine-tune product/solution, releasing upgraded version for broader commercialization.


Product/Service offering validated in market with broader group of customers.

Accelerate commercialization, aiming to generate steady business volume & consolidate business model